• Kemurdzhian Youth Space Challenge

    Powered by HyeTech

  • What is Kemurdzhian Youth Space Challenge?

    HyeTech and Bazoomq are launching a nationwide student competition to send a device built and programmed by students all over Armenia into Space.

    Our Goals

    • To rollout a campaign across Armenia and engage children interested in robotics education,
    • To drive support toward robotics and STEM education in Armenia,
    • To build a worldwide community of Armenians involved or interested in aerospace and robotics,
    • To create global awareness and top-tier press coverage about this innovative program happening in Armenia.

    Eligibility criteria

    • Open to youth aged between 12-21, who are residents of the Republic of Armenia,
    • Teams must consist of a minimum of three to a maximum of five members,
    • Students from different educational centers (schools, universities, colleges, etc.) can form teams and work together,
    • Teams can be assisted by experts and/or mentors, subject to terms and conditions listed below,
    • Payload must strictly adhere to the specifications below.

    Device Specifications

    • Payload maximum weight is 200 grams.
    • Payload should have its own power supply.
    • Payload must survive being carried by rocket. Total flight to 100-120km+ will take around 10-12 minutes.
    • Payload must be connected to the rocket radio-telemetry for data transfer.
    • Payload must survive being in space (100km+) for about two minutes.
    • Payload will not return.

    Competing payloads should pass benchmarking tests like Thermal, Vacuum, G-force and Vibration tests.

    More detailed specifications will be provided to participants.

  • Infographics

    8 teams shortlisted

    26 participants

    2 locations

  • Timeline

    *Teams are supervised and coordinated by Bazoomq Space Research Lab.

    • January 7th 2022: Application deadline
    • January 7th - February 15th 2022: First Benchmark
    • February 15th - March 1st 2022: Semi Final 3 teams Selected
    • March 1st - March 15th 2022: Finalist Selection
    • Launch: End of March 2022 (TBC)
  • FAQs